Tuesday, January 16, 2018

pencil sketch of a Nazi by DrnK Prabhakar Rao

WENTZEL  ERICH. NAZIImage may contain: 1 person, drawing

1 comment:

Dr K Prabhakar Rao said...

During the Second World War allied bombers conducted terror raids against civilians and cities unrelated to the German war effort. In the firebombing of Hamburg, in July of 1943, forty thousand people died.. The Allies labeled this bombing campaign Operation Gomorrah. The name was taken from Jewish scripture in reference to the story of God’s punishment of an evil people living in the city of Gomorrah. It is estimated a half million people died in the terror bombing of Germany by Allied bombers. In some cases airmen who were shot down or crashed landed were executed and seen as criminals responsible for the deaths of thousands of German civilians. After the war, charges were brought against those who conducted the executions.In another case an American bomber forced landed August 4, 1944 in Borkum. The crew remained alive, except one. They were marched to the airport of Borkum. Along the way in inhabitants of the town abused the prisoners. When they arrived one German soldier, whose family died in Hamburg firestorm shot them all, one after the other. This soldier later died on the Eastern Front. The governor of the island, Dr. Kurt Goebell, and other civilians and soldiers were held at trial on war crime charges. The process was held in Ludwigsburg by a military court, February 6-23, 1946. Five death sentences and prison punishments were carried out. WENTZEL The First Lt was also sentenced to death and executed by hanging. Although he was not present at the place and he sent a report. The trial was purely a victors justice.