Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Pencil sketch of an anti Nazi by Dr K Prabhakar Rao


He was a trained lawyer and later joined German army as reserves. He became adjutant to colonel Henning VON Tresckow. He joined Nazi resistance group and became a secret liason between Tresckow in Russia and senior officers like oster, Ludwig becke for various plans for coup d'état and assassination of hitler.He smuggled a time bomb in to the plane in which Hitler was travelling to a Army group command headquarters. however the bomb did not explode as the timing fuse did not function due to the cold temperature in the planes storage compartment. He extricated the bomb TheNext day and no one suspected any thing. After the failure of plot 20 July 1944 he was arrested by Gestapo and put in gestapo prison where he was tortured brutally but he did not yield and reveal names of his associates. On Feb 3 , 1945 he was taken to people's court to be tried by President of tribunal Friesler. Before his trial began, American plane piloted by Lt colRobert Rosenthal dropped bombs direct over the court hall and Friesler instantly died crushed under a collapsed beam. He was still holding the file of Schlabendorf. He was shifted to various camps later and along with 140 Dachau prisoners and was sent to Tyrol that was under SS.The inmates gave information to German army about the senior personnel in the camp who were likely to be executed. Wechard von alvonsleben who was commanding a unit moved in quickly and the SS guards vanished after seeing the strong German army unit entering the camp. The prisoners were freed and later they were liberated by U.S. Army personnel. Fabian was released by allies and he served as the judge in the highest court of West Germnay for long and passed away in 1980

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