Thursday, June 21, 2012


True. RSS probably is the only organization that can do something  towards promoting Hindutwa inspite of its failings. But sadly it has lost it's moorings. It is drifting away from it's aims like a lost ship and it also trying to play safe and safe guard it's existence from the official pressures and targeting. They conduct many conclaves and meetings.They appear to be happy with their own voices and photographs and media reports. Final Outcome appears to be dark and dull without clarity. Leaders are busy in their own games and the party has failed to revitalize the Hindu masses. Hindus are completely on defensive now and are scared lot. In this scenario, can we expect some thing from them? Only those who take some risks would flourish and succeed. Those who play safe like cat on wall shall remain behind and would be lost into pages of history.Hope it will have some introspection before it vanishes into oblivion.

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